Bart Rammeloo Posted August 29, 2019 Share Posted August 29, 2019 Design Express vient de publier le troisième Service Pack (SP3.1) pour Vectorworks® 2019. Avec le Service Pack 3 (inclus dans SP 3.1), ce Service Pack comprend diverses corrections, améliorations et innovations. Nouvelles fonctionnalités Présentations dans le Cloud via Vectorworks Cloud Services Avec les nouvelles présentations Vectorworks Cloud, vous pouvez générer des présentations de conception dans une interface intuitive de glisser-déposer. Cette nouvelle option simplifie la communication avec le client et inclut des panoramas à 360° qui peuvent être reliés entre eux pour créer une expérience complète. Parce qu'il est stocké en ligne, vous pouvez partager la présentation avec un lien web. Cette fonctionnalité est disponible pour les membres de Vectorworks Service Select avec un compte pour les services Vectorworks Cloud.En savoir plus. Lumion LiveSync Lumion apporte la puissance du rendu en temps réel à Vectorworks. Grâce au plug-in LiveSync, vous pouvez rendre des modèles 3D en quelques secondes. Si vous changez quoi que ce soit au sujet du modèle 3D dans Vectorworks, la scène dans Lumion est instantanément ajustée. Lumion est le premier plug-in partenaire à utiliser la nouvelle API VectorworksGraphics Sync (VGS), qui s'adresse à la fois au CPU et au GPU.En savoir plus. Le flux de travail MVR de Spotlight à Vision Découvrez une meilleure façon de travailler avec My Virtual Rig (MVR). Ce format de fichier permet une liaison et un flux de travail transparents et bidirectionnels entre les systèmes de planification, de prévisualisation et de console. Le format de fichier contient le modèle 3D et les textures associées, les informations de position et les données GDTF de la conception dans Vectorworks Spotlight. Ce flux de travail élimine complètement le besoin d'exportation et d'importation répétées. Nouvelles possibilités dans l'outil fenêtre Sauvegardez vos préférences de fenêtre dans les dossiers du groupe de travail. Ainsi, votre équipe utilise toujours le même environnement de bureau. Vous pouvez maintenant ajouter des seuils aux fenêtres intérieures ou aux portes intérieures à l'aide d'un segment de place. Si ce segment de place a les mêmes caractéristiques que le plancher adjacent, le plancher sous la porte ou la fenêtre continue sans couture. La hauteur des seuils intérieur et extérieur peut être réglée individuellement. Une ouverture murale que vous faites glisser hors d'un mur est maintenant représentée par une ligne avec un point de repère. Cela facilite la sélection de l'objet. En savoir plus. Améliorations remarquables L'accent est mis sur la correction des problèmes associés à la commande "Annuler". Améliorations de la stabilité, entre autres choses : Vues multiples, Substitutions de classes, Mappage d'attributs, Partage de projets. Amélioration de l'affichage HSE des annotations, remplissages, textures et plus encore. De nombreuses améliorations au comportement de l'objet Data Tag. Amélioration des performances et de la qualité dans la génération de l'affichage 2D des composants 3D. Ce Service Pack est disponible pour toutes les licences de Vectorworks 2019 sous forme de mise à jour téléchargeable. Pour installer le Service Pack, sélectionnez la commande "Rechercher les mises à jour" dans le menu Vectorworks (Mac) ou dans le menu Aide (Windows). La liste complète des améliorations est présentée ci-dessous. Veuillez contacter notre équipe de support si vous avez des questions. Toutes les améliorations de Vectorworks 2019 Service Pack 3 et 3.1 VB-159208 Vectorworks gets stuck if a ForceQuit is received and the user waits 10 minutes before clicking on the alert VB-159195 Design Layer Section Viewports Fail to Show Component Fills in SP4 VB-159169 BIM workflow not working anymore because referenced viewports cannot be sectioned anymore VB-159160 Section Viewport trough a referenced Viewport shows no fill components VB-159159 Section Viewport trough a Viewport shows walls without components in SP3/SP4 VB-159155 No Detail Level for Slabs in Section Viewport VB-158691 Section Viewports Fail to Show Objects from Referenced Viewports in SP3 VB-159298 The first 2 spaces created by the tool have the same number N/ASpace label is wrong with styles N/AThis update resolves an issue with the floating databar for some plug-ins N/A Add cloud-based project sharing support for Dropbox Business and Box Drive VB-49095 Gable fails to work on simple roof VB-79079 ConvertToPolygon() & ConvertToPolyline() are inconsistent VB-92297 Space object eyedropper modes being reset when using <space bar> pan/boomerang mode VB-105218 Objects Shift Origin when Editing Symbol Composed of Space Object and Surface Array VB-106801 Some solids render as hollow shells when 3d geometry is too layered VB-112574 Clip Cube is Unexpectedly Enabled When File is Opened VB-116976 Auto-Bounded Slab Shows Incorrect Geometry After Edge Offset is Applied VB-122015 Scaled Symbol Instances Render as Un-Scaled in Hidden Line, Polygon, and RW Modes VB-127993 Roof Face - turning off the primary class doesn't change visibility in 2D, but does in 3D VB-129545 Split Tool: Vectorworks crashes after spliting a subtracted plug-in objects VB-130140 Roof Components Fail to Show in OpenGL/Wireframe After Editing Roof VB-138176 NURBS Surfaces do not render properly in scaled symbols VB-138608 Create plot and model view creates viewport with incorrect boundary VB-139381 Duplicate Along Path Spacing Fails With Complex Polys-PR8394573 VB-140282 At least for the worksheet the attached file, text find & replace fails VB-140297 ZSys record created with no name VB-140644 Segmented fence has artifacts in plan view when first and last segment is the same length. VB-142125 Spotlight Lighting Devices are only selectable via their insertion point VB-142715 Space: Incorrect Net boundary polygon. VB-143861 House Model Not Exporting Properly to IFC VB-144108 About Export Panorama, "save on" pulldown change to Cloud Service Storage. VB-144240 Braceworks: Move Truss System is not working with Lighting Positions and Lighting Devices VB-144490 Editing roof gives the error says failed to create a roof VB-145626 VW 2016 file crashes VW 2017 and 2018 VB-145948 Hardscape border background color mismatch in settings dialog and when creation of object VB-146529 Multi-View - Class Visibility Fails in One Pane After Changing Visibilities in Another Pane VB-147125 Roof Cut Problem VB-147358 Roof Dormer geometry issues VB-147455 Revit file does not properly import VB-148008 Clip Cube State Fails to Get Saved with File When Activated Via Saved View VB-148431 New Title Block: still faulty folding marks for ISO sizes VB-148577 Editing a viewport crop changes design layer from screen plane to layer plane VB-149516 Sheet Revision Log - Scale Column VB-149622 MVR scaling issue VB-150301 Impossible to localize Adjacency Matrix string VB-150385 Alert Needed When Pasting Planar Objects Into Swap Graphics Mode (Click-Selection Fails) VB-150428 Updating Clip Cube Viewport Causes Clip Cube to Get Enabled on Design Layer VB-150489 Copy/Paste Fails Between Symbol's 2D and 3D Components VB-150847 Spotlight Lighting Devices are only selectable via their insertion point VB-150857 Crash when opening file VB-150893 Lighting device is attaching to the wrong hanging position VB-151035 Visibility issue VB-151089 VS / Python: vs.SetParent() should work with resources and resource folders VB-151541 Sheet layer bitmaps showing inconsistent alpha and background color VB-151698 VW crashes when you connect objects with Connect/Combine tool VB-151793 Page based symbol - visualization problems. VB-152036 Space Style Issues VB-152163 Dimension jumps when using the move command with a 2D reshape marquee VB-152335 In Edit Texture dialog, changing "Size" does not affect the preview display. VB-152685 Plugins Show Top Graphics from Inactive Detail Levels VB-152919 Fit To Object doesn't work VB-153056 Editing Groups with different LODs in Symbols VB-153090 Hidden Object Display Fails When "Display Planar Objects" is Enabled and Symbol Exists in File VB-153154 In Space Settings dialog, Styles stored in Vectorworks Libraries are not referenced. VB-153326 Section Viewport's "Merge Cross Sections" Option Not Working Properly in VW2019 VB-153379 Space: Problems with Style dialog VB-153463 Roof Face Object With Circular Edge Modification Disappears in Top/Plan View with a Vertical Eave Cut VB-153501 Marquee Reshape of Chain dimension in plan rotation does not work properly VB-153503 Vision Acceptance Test - test 32 & 33 get stuck on the tilt spin VB-153645 Round Wall starts with 360deg sweep Angle VB-153657 Texture Mapping Tool on Floor Slabs causes problems and crash VB-153674 PDF Stamp Annotations Show Incorrectly on Windows VB-153676 PDF Pages Show Graphics Incorrectly in VW 2019 on Windows VB-153699 X-Ray Fills Fails on PDF Page Objects in VW 2019 VB-153732 Spelling Errors in the 3D Boundaries tab of Space Settings VB-153745 Hardscape Border Textures VB-153790 Space label alignment becomes off when you mirror a space VB-153795 Space Edit Gross Custom does nothing VB-153796 Space Show Contour doesn't appear to do anything? VB-153830 When creating a top rail with a custom profile, it rotates 90 degree. VB-153889 bumping against page edge doesn't cause page to pan VB-153938 VW2018SP4 CRASHES the 13th time the WinDoor 'Settings' dialogue is opened to the 'Pens and Colours' section VB-153962 missing space styles in popup resource manager VB-154044 *convert Copy to lines Causes crash in this file in ConvertToBSPListFunctions::GetHatchForObject VB-154082 Styles fail to show in replace style of space objects in object info palette VB-154085 Stacking diagram fails to show the values and object appears too large when placed in the drawing VB-154121 Color change when pasting to older version of VW VB-154146 Navigation Graphics Best Performance: Page Based Symbols display at wrong scale in viewport annotations VB-154178 Mac 10.14 Mojave Only: Worksheet cell images printing within dark filled box. VB-154194 10.14 problem printing transparency VB-154215 'Fit to Objects' Fails On Space Objects When "Show 3D" Option is Enabled VB-154276 RW styles with edges don't show image backgrounds in Viewports VB-154320 Screen does not auto scroll when moving objects past the edge. VB-154380 Can't change planar object to "Symbol Definition" inside 2D component of symbol VB-154429 Two typos in Series G (Site Protection) VB-154463 Test file - Hardscape does not appear in 3D views VB-154469 Custom Space Name not available in Space Style VB-154490 2D Components: Detail Level display incorrect while editing groups in a 2D component VB-154494 Railing Attributes of 3d components fail is set by class VB-154505 Converting unstyled walls to Story Bounded walls shows line type wall in 3d views VB-154523 SDK - Missing events of grouped plugin objects when changing layer via object info palette VB-154533 Sheet Layer Viewports of Focused Lighting Devices in Design Layer Viewports Incorrect in 2019 VB-154586 VW hogging memory with MAC, when opening Worksheet VB-154598 Grouped Objects Show the Wrong Detail Level Display in Plan View VB-154632 Landscape Area tag does not work in localized Vectorworks. VB-154661 Plant Catalog not updating VB-154677 Section Viewport unable to be created-PR8393904 VB-154682 Room finish schedule on space label is not displayed properly in 2019 VB-154701 Elevator: Internal Cap Width/Internal Cap Depth field doesn't apply the values correctly VB-154729 FS: Space - Area and Volume always in mm2 and mm3 VB-154745 Railing/Fence Tool with Certain Configurations Causes Hollow Geometry VB-154759 VW crashes when invoking Undo after attempting to create Plant Style from Catalog. VB-154760 Online Plant List Catalog: Placed plant is replaced with a locus after invoking "Create Plant Style from Catalog". VB-154776 MVR export not correct VB-154780 Moving a Hanging Position causes wrong placement of attached Video Screen VB-154795 Project Sharing: Users think they can check out objects inside Symbol definition and Tiles VB-154802 Active use data is not useful for determining concurrent use at activation server VB-154836 view transition doesn't happen when activating a saved view from nav palette VB-154865 If IFC (zipped) file is imported to VW, the objects are not imported. VB-154878 3D geometry is appearing in 2D Edit mode VB-154938 Viewport: Project Screen Objects checkbox different behavior (Win only) VB-154975 If using Fundamental license, the Display with Clip Cube option is not displayed in the Create Viewport dialog. VB-155003 Auto bounding of Spaces and Space links are broken in 2019 VB-155006 Railing created with the Create Objects from Shapes fails VB-155015 Crash in DefinitionPreviewIdleTimeRegeneration::HandleRegenEvent found in analytics VB-155025 Instrument summary problems VB-155039 Fit bottom of space to objects does not work VB-155041 Cannot generate 2D from 3D in symbol edit if the 3D is a symbol itself VB-155054 Create Site modifier from polyline changes path in some cases VB-155081 Curtain Wall: Snapping one end to the other end of a curtain wall crashes Vectorworks. VB-155104 Auto scrolling in the drawing window is more difficult in 2019 VB-155107 One Time Crash While Editing Drawing Stamp in Title Block Border dialog VB-155120 Walls Fail to Render in Vw 2018 File Opening in Vw 2019 VB-155147 Stairs geometry error doesn't seem right VB-155148 Crash in the attached file when using attribute mapping tool for roof VB-155155 Space area is wrong on the OIP VB-155156 Regression - Secondary dimensions show closing bracket VB-155190 PDF import regression: Fails both Mac and Windows but works in 2018 VB-155191 The area displayed in the Stacking Diagram becomes a value much larger than the area of Space. VB-155197 VGM: Hatch viewport scaling fails in 'Best Performance' VB-155222 VS Catalogs on custom Pio: crash on Mac upon linking to catalog thru interface VB-155232 2D Components: Edit 2D Component Location Mode: Top Component objects are selectable on screen plane. VB-155236 Fit top of space to objects is not working VB-155276 Cannot automatically attach load object to the hanging position in 3D view VB-155279 Encountered an improper argument error message displays after perform certain steps. VB-155292 Project Sharing - PDF Objects Appear Blank After Changing "Save Referenced Cache" Option VB-155303 PDF Page Objects Cause Drawing Area to Appear Completely White at File Open VB-155334 Design Layer Elevation: missing "story" string VB-155818 Page based symbols in viewport annotations VB-155820 Space Object causing major memory leaks VB-155822 "Generate 2D from 3D Component" Gives Incorrect Results on Some Objects in SP2 VB-155838 Drawing Fails in Top Edit Mode for Flipped In-Wall Plugins VB-155868 *This file crashes in any 3D view and/or when Energos is activated VB-155883 VW2019 SP2 459802 Typo in the "Flip" options in the OIP (Win only) VB-155892 Revit import: There are black textures if you import file created in Revit 2019 VB-155893 Flipped Symbol Edit Mode Shows Incorrectly in 2019 When Edited Through Viewport VB-155899 vw2019 Sp2 459802 Can't select two fixtures after using UNDO VB-155903 Geometry fails to show on zoom with in symbol edit mode and after the symbol is edited VB-155909 "Fit to Objects" Fails in VW 2019 When Clip Cube is Enabled VB-155910 Duplicate Along Path don't work with polylines-PR8397543 VB-155911 *VW2019 SP2 459802 VWX closed unexpectedly while trying to use the Spotlight Numbering tool VB-155923 Sheet Layer Viewport Display Issue - VGM? VB-155932 Data Tag doesn't calculate line, polygon and NURBS curve lenght VB-155943 Clip Cube Resets to Default Size After Exiting Groups VB-155945 Project sharing assert on EndUndoEvent, after deleting record formats VB-155951 Number of Legs on Stage Decks Not Working VB-155963 In Multiple View Panes, layer of the active pane may not be switched. VB-155965 Two periods (..) in plant 'Spacing' field in OIP causes endless processing VB-155970 Spotlight Numbering - Undo Fails to Revert Changes VB-155975 Hanging Position Summary Shows Error in VW 2019 VB-155982 Section Viewport Geometry Stays Visible after Activating the first Design Layer ( Redraw problem) VB-155990 *VW crashes when invoking the properties of a liner dimension and dismissing it. VB-155995 *VW crashes when you attempt to render in Hidden line in ConvertToBSPListFunctions::GetHatchForObject VB-155996 Viewport Hatch Line Scale does not work VB-155999 Spotlight Multicable, Include in Calculations option can't be turned off VB-156020 Locally Mapped Hatches Display Incorrectly when Layer Scale is Changed VB-156025 Roof Face Disappears in Top/plan After Edit VB-156031 #IPZ# does not return correct value for slabs(Data Tag) VB-156032 Data Tag: Arithmetic operations do not work for dimension, if the unit mark is shown VB-156033 Data Tag: Arithmetic operations do not work for dimension, if there are brackets. VB-156035 Files are Ending up with Label Legends Displaying Behind the Instruments VB-156042 Data Tag: Arithmetic operations do not work for dimension, if the unit mark is shown and the first value is number VB-156053 Additional data of space object style/instance information shows wrong VB-156060 VWX 2019 SP2 459802 Double clicking to terminate the Spotlight Numbering tool doesnt 'deselect' the numbered fixtures when PAN(Hand) tool is enabled VB-156074 Undo of newly created Property line leaves invalid records VB-156075 Duplicate Along Path Fails in VW 2019--PR8397880 VB-156077 Image Effects Get Removed from Image Resources After File is Closed and Reopened VB-156081 Data Tag: Insert Style from Resource Manager uses wrong Settings VB-156089 VW is crashing when initializing the layer list in ObjectViewModel.cpp VB-156096 Position of Crop Marks does not adapt to the position of the Title Block VB-156098 FS: Space looses Substraction Area Infos after changing Units VB-156099 FS: Space - VW Crash with Command: Fit Top of Space to Objects... VB-156104 Crash applying setting to lights VB-156107 Project Sharing - Image Resource Image Effects Fail to Get Committed VB-156121 Title Block Border: Redraw issue when you open Title Block Manager dialog(Win only) VB-156122 File crashes when trying to open within VW 2019 SP1.1 VB-156123 Title Block Border: Plot Date Format value doesn't update if you click Cancel in the Choose Date Format dialog (Win only) VB-156126 Highlighting in site model sculptor is not working correctly VB-156133 Resizing Clip Cube is Very Difficult in Certain Views VB-156135 Image Effects "Rename Preset" Dialog Shows Text String Incorrectly VB-156136 Viewport Resolution Fails to Update When Image Effects Are Applied VB-156144 Uncontrollable slab VB-156169 Crash on Set Hanging Point to truss without a Hanging Position VB-156172 Group Texture drop down menu is locked in the OIP Render tab VB-156176 Roof object disappears after edit and can't undo VB-156184 Camera Match: Fine Tune dialog slider control handle is very small VB-156185 Viewports Fail to Reflect Design Layer Changes When Image Effects are Applied VB-156186 Viewports Show as Up-to-Date After Image Effects are Applied VB-156194 PDFs lack anti-aliasing. VB-156204 XM: Added text to a front view of a hybrid-symbol not visible in a SVP VB-156206 Autonumber positions + Spotlight numbering VB-156212 Dragging Bridles crashes Vectorworks. VB-156223 Layer filtering when selecting the already active layer VB-156232 Not possible to create a ifc custom pset via sdk if ifc version 4 is set to standard VB-156235 Orphaned Section Line on design layer not visible in viewports VB-156239 "Batch Convert..." is getting slower and slower and eventually Vectorworks crashes VB-156241 "Replace with Symbol" Command Fails in VW 2019 VB-156252 XM: Searching resources should allow finding words that include . or , VB-156257 VW crashes when you turn on/off roof options. VB-156264 Merge Cross Sections broken by 2D component detail level VB-156275 *Sectioning Symbol Sanitary Acc Kohler Vanity K-2732 Causes VW2019 to Crash VB-156278 Custom PSet get lost if the user deletes the VW Database that belongs to a custom pset... VB-156279 Vectorworks crashes when right click on imported image resource VB-156287 Space styles - when you remove 2D boundaries, some parameters get reset VB-156290 Create resource using external image step forces to use external reference as importing parameter VB-156291 DWG Import - Imported Viewports Show Incorrectly in VW 2019 VB-156296 *In Roof, when turning on / off the insertion of "Attic" etc. many times, VW crashes. VB-156304 Import DWG: Center on internal origin fails to refresh ruler coordinates until view change VB-156326 Slab: manual edges won't resolve if boundary have holes VB-156335 2D Components: Changing any 2D attribute of a Plug-in Object instance replaces user defined Top/Plan graphics VB-156336 Applying Image Effect through context menu does not update OIP checkmark VB-156346 Library Content-Object Styles/Space Wrong for Residential Living Room VB-156366 PDF image not appearing in Viewport VB-156367 Open GL will not "Draw Edges" in Viewport VB-156369 *Replace walls in attached files crashes Vectorworks VB-156375 "Generate 2D from 3D Component" Includes Objects in Invisible Classes VB-156376 Symbols Disappear After Changing Class Visibilities Inside Edit Mode VB-156377 Selection Fails After Editing Grouped Solids Inside Symbol VB-156383 Groups in Invisible Detail Levels are Selectable Inside Symbol Edit Mode in SP2 VB-156387 The "Coordinate Display" of the dialog is displayed incorrectly.(Mojave Only) VB-156388 Viewports Display Incorrectly in File Updated from Vw 2018 to 2019 VB-156390 Lighting Device with Hanging Position VB-156392 Data Tag - Define Field only working when record is in the default folder VB-156407 *Attempting to edit a worksheet cell produces a crash VB-156413 Foliage with option "On ground" not working VB-156415 Data tag rotates with the rotated plan VB-156420 Polyline area changes when switching OI Close option VB-156422 Data tag default content - Furniture.vwx needs default text VB-156424 Space's graphic attributes don't hold when converted to a style VB-156428 Cannot place space styles in offline working file VB-156431 Crazy road problem changes active layer Z elevation VB-156438 Spotlight Gobo Slots not showing VB-156442 Regression: Dashed Hidden Line render VB-156447 After publishing of DWG/DXF, DWF opening/closing files crashes VB-156451 View Transition Animation between Saved View is not working VB-156452 When Navigation Graphics are Set to Best Performance the Client File will NOT open in 2019 SP2 VB-156453 Some (imported or referenced) PDFs don't display in VW2019 VB-156455 VW crashes when editing a tag data of a particular style. (Data Tag tool) VB-156457 In Mojave if you turn off the checkbox in the Create Object dialog VB-156458 In Space Tool, changing Style from Object Info Palette does not update Space Label. VB-156460 The image effect is checked if cancel the image effects and the viewport is updated. VB-156461 Execution of Generate 2D from 3D component does not generate a 2D component. VB-156463 Stair after Ungroup will show the former connected sides as hollow VB-156465 Scrolling by Dragging Object to Drawing Edges no longer works VB-156469 Add... button in assign tags should gray out after it was clicked VB-156472 Invisible (Main) Class in Section Viewport VB-156482 SPOTLIGHT: Creating a new label legend from existing instrument adds another symbol within the newly created label legend. VB-156490 Section VP shows classes that are hidden in that viewport VB-156496 Hidden Line Render Crash With Planar Geometry VB-156500 Crash on Mac and Layer with no name and wrong position of visibility icon on Windows VB-156504 DWG Import - dimension standard is not created properly VB-156506 Conflict dialog for names between Class and Layer Filters VB-156509 Crash opening file, PolyTDHandle with zero vertices VB-156515 Space creation shows empty Net and Gross values when created for first time VB-156526 Bad translation in Title block dialog VB-156539 Railing/Fence Takes on the Wrong Elevation in Recent Builds VB-156543 Duplicate along Path fails in 2019 but works in 2018 VB-156547 Replace with Symbol regression VB-156551 Classing of space labels broken VB-156555 Fit Space to objects giving large offset VB-156557 Styled Space Pen Opacity Not Taking Effect when set by Class Attributes VB-156561 Custom pSets in IFC Mapping crash Vectorworks. VB-156563 Depth setting for elevator isn't responding as expected VB-156565 Switching Between Layers is Much Slower in SP2 VB-156566 Railing/Fence Tool Preferences Can't be Changed After Using Style VB-156594 Purge Command Causes Freeze in VW 2018/2019 VB-156599 Data Tags used as part of Project Sharing workflow requires odd or excessive amount of checkouts VB-156604 Red snapping highlight not showing on 3D Rotated Hanging Position VB-156605 Trim Tool tooltip typo VB-156614 Lumion Live Sync - Cannot disable Camera Sync VB-156619 Crash on line stretch VB-156620 Title Block Manager Seems to Start Collecting Every File on User's Server VB-156627 Sheet Layer Section Viewport - Class and Layer Visibility fickle VB-156629 A "new" Project Sharing error message shows up after committing successfully VB-156634 You cannot reattach a data tag, if it does not have leader. VB-156646 "Generate 2D from 3D Component" Not Working in Hybrid Symbol using VW2019 SP3 VB-156654 PDF Import: pdf v1.6 shown blank with vw2019 VB-156658 The setting is not displayed in "Flr", "Base", and "Wall" on the Edit Tag Date" dialog." VB-156667 3D Label Legend Text size and Font changed when adding or removing fields VB-156669 VW freezes after opening the attached file VB-156670 Project Sharing: Data tag is detached from tagged object when it is checked out only(without tagged object to be checked out) VB-156675 Cancel button has a "." after the cancel on the space settings more area settings dialog box. VB-156692 Renderworks viewports render white when compression is JPEG VB-156706 Section edit-in-place is showing objects in invisible classes VB-156709 Pattern fills do not print correctly in Mac OS 10.14 compared to 10.13. VB-156712 Reshape Tool in Combination with 'Move Selection' VB-156719 When setting a Space Style to have all parameters in the Occupancy tab to 'by instance', some fields are still disabled in the OIP VB-156722 Portions of PDF disappears when PDF is moved within the document VB-156723 2D Components: View tolerance angle for displaying 2D components not reasonable VB-156727 Random Crash While Editing Site Modifier within Test File VB-156738 Project Sharing; Commit dialog taking a long time to pop up VB-156743 Symbols are invisible if "Best Performance" is used VB-156746 Page-based symbols wrong in Viewports VB-156747 Exporting to PDF on Mojave. Patterns don't have same quality. VB-156752 Freeze on select extrude along path 10.14 VB-156754 Data Tags placed on Design Layer ignore plan rotation - Bug or WAD? VB-156755 Sheet Layer Viewport Opacity not working VB-156768 Nested 2D-Symbol in wall not visible when unified view VB-156773 VW hangs up when you attempt to set fold marks in Title Block Border VB-156777 Multiple projector weight incorrect. VB-156786 Marionette: When using a user origin in a 3D view, extrusions don't extrude in the correct place using Extrude node VB-156804 Roof face problems VB-156807 Roof face joins incorrectly and can't undo VB-156808 Viewport Bug: Active class is affecting viewport update VB-156811 Roof faces show textures incorrectly, and sometimes disappear altogether VB-156816 Railing Fence, Posts disappears after top rail is selected( Regression?) VB-156822 Text missing from section viewport render VB-156833 Space Volume not correct in the attached file VB-156838 Check Spelling Command not working in german Vectorworks (Windows only) VB-156854 Conversion of german title block faulty VB-156870 *TaperBody crashed VB-156877 Walls not converting from 2018 to 2019 SP2 on this multistory building VB-156901 Moving walls causes VW2019 SP2 to hang VB-156904 Page Setup: Printable Area, ISO sizes are incorrect VB-156905 Class visibility fails in one pane after changing visibilities in another pane VB-156906 create a complex linestyle -> the program crashes VB-156909 PDF-File into the annotations of a Viewport / shows incorrect--Regression VB-156911 *Create complexe Line-Style / VW chrash VB-156923 Load objects not attaching to hanging position in a layer with elevation in 3D VB-156956 elevator / error in 'Internal CAB With' and 'Internal Cab Hight' VB-156959 Resource Manager: Dragging several resources will only move one, leave others in place VB-156966 Performance redraw issues VB-156995 No refresh of the Worksheet Functions "GETSPACENAMEFOROBJ" and "GETSPACENUMFOROBJ" after changing of Space Object VB-157009 Space Area Modifier Name is Spelled Incorrectly VB-157015 VGM: Page based symbols not scaling correctly in viewports VB-157018 Page-Based Symbol will not scale in DLVP VB-157022 SPACE: it is not possible to apply All By Style in the Space Objects Class VB-157032 Space Label is Causing Major Slowdown VB-157035 Data Tag "Perimeter" field doesn't update when modifying polygon with Reshape tool. VB-157036 Title Block Manager - Check / Uncheck Typo VB-157037 Roof geometry not correct VB-157039 Vectorworks unable to shed roof with Create roof menu VB-157041 Project Sharing - Referenced DWGs Appear Empty After Changing "Save Referenced Cache" Option VB-157044 Selection Highlighting Not Visible at First when Generating 2D from 3D Component within Door Symbol VB-157049 Drawing Label spacing regression when using this font VB-157054 Plant Catalog: Selection in the list of the plants changes after you modify value of the plant VB-157061 File crashes when opened (Mac only) VB-157062 Command Update Plug-ins Objects crashes when converting VAA Title Blocks VB-157073 Spotlight Numbering VB-157095 Viewport: Page-Based Symbols change size with scale VB-157104 2018 file crashes 2019 upon conversion VB-157133 Title Border: unable to reset Issue Data to "A" VB-157135 Stair Riser creates corrupt 3D geometry VB-157137 Strange Result with Railing Fence Tool VB-157145 *Crash when Hidden Line rendering Roof Object in ConvertToBSPListFunctions::GetHatchForObject VB-157149 Horizontal section not showing dimension text and line markers VB-157151 DWG export from section VB-157158 Localized Foliage Tool does not display default symbol. VB-157165 When running "Fit Top of Space to Objects" menu, top of Space may not fit. VB-157172 Superscript numbers are missing after convert to 2019 VB-157188 Editing 3D Components in Groups of Symbols causes issues with Selection VB-157196 Sections: Objects showing in invisible classes when in containers VB-157200 Viewport Symbol Scaling is broken VB-157218 OIP Fails on Objects Pasted Into Symbol's 3D Component in SP3 VB-157223 Pasting Objects Into Symbol's 3D Component Causes the Wrong Prompt to Show VB-157242 *Minimized Floating View Pane Crashes Vectorworks VB-157247 Bug in SIA Dimension-Elevation Trailer VB-157257 Crash when clicking on image attributes button VB-157264 Export Parasolid X_T Options is not working. VB-157271 Data Tag value increases three zeros with Open and Close Edit (Dimension Number Format) VB-157274 OpenGL Background Render stretching in Section Viewport VB-157280 IFC: Export Option combination in DataMapping not working VB-157284 Project Sharing - Crash During Refresh VB-157285 Vectorworks crash with the attached file, trying to use project tool. VB-157295 Worksheet Images Fail to Appear When Scale Options Used VB-157302 Symbol Edit 3D Component, Edit Extrude in Group incapacitates further Editing VB-157303 2D Objects Fail to Show When Pasted Into Symbol's 2D Components VB-157304 Auto numbering for Spotlight not incrementing correctly VB-157312 Revert to Save Crashes Vectorworks [Mac Only]. VB-157314 Patterns in PDF Export display incorrectly on Mojave Preview Application VB-157325 Object Info Floating Dialogue Text stacking issue VB-157326 CDR: Worksheets are misplaced when in dwg export. VB-157331 Toilet Stall Object offsets/flips when exported to IFC VB-157333 *Random crash in attached file when using attribute map tool VB-157343 Master snap point loci are not displayed in Data Tags VB-157348 Application hangs when using attribute mapping tool on roof VB-157354 Page-based symbol inside world-based symbol in SLVP not imaging at scale VB-157355 More redraw issues with Foliage tool in edit modes VB-157358 Stair creates locus far higher than z-height of stair VB-157390 Crash in Project Sharing Revert acceptance test on Mac VB-157392 *Crashes when navigating to new sheet layer. VB-157398 Empty net and gross values for space object when using create objects from shapes command VB-157404 Railing/Fence Styles Get Deleted from Document in SP3 After Editing Tool Prefs VB-157407 In "Fit Wall to Objects" of VW 2019, there are cases where the wall does not fit the object. VB-157408 Simple Beam command crashes Vectorworks VB-157412 Title Block Manager crashes VW when OK is clicked for external files[Mac only] VB-157418 Revit Import - Symbols are wrongly created (Acceptance test failure) VB-157423 Slab Edge Offset: No Highlight VB-157429 RW camera, Object properties dialog shows blank space when switching to different properties VB-157435 VW Crashes in SP3 When Batch Converting VB-157452 DWG imports ok into 2018, but badly in 2019 and slows the system VB-157454 number 1 on key pad initiates 'text' command VB-157460 Edit roof dialog fails to open in isometric views in 2019 VB-157465 Label Legend Alignment Issues when moving to VW 2019 VB-157469 *Update section viewport causes crash VB-157470 Even if dragging object to the edge of the screen, it does not auto scroll. VB-157478 2019-01-18 BUG Reshape Tool- Big range selection by moving the screen VB-157488 Horizontal Section: Create Horizontal Section creates viewport with no graphics VB-157495 Speaker array will not allow dispersion greater then 90 deg. VB-157498 Replace Space Style delete the existing Custom Space Names VB-157499 Binding of roof components to wall components not working VB-157514 Data Tag tool loses precision of number of custom records VB-157516 Vectorworks crash with a specific text character. VB-157517 *Vectorworks crashes when close Edit Tag Data dialog VB-157520 DWG Export- Worksheet on drawing fails with incorrect rows VB-157522 Page Setup different from design to sheet layer since VW2019 VB-157523 Floating Tool Properties palette fields resize when changing checkbox values VB-157533 Crash in TNotify::UpdatePendingRequests VB-157537 Autoscroll while drawing very slow on 4k display or higher VB-157543 Space Object: 3D Boundary Class is grayed even with all parameters set by instance VB-157554 Objects Get Placed on the Wrong Plane When Pasted Into Symbol's 3D Component VB-157555 *GetObjectVisFlag and SetObjectVisFlag crashed VB-157564 Classes Created in Space Settings Dialog Fail to Take-On Attributes in VW 2019 VB-157566 Application crashes when moving multiple objects in the resource manager VB-157590 Clip Tool creates a new object VB-157621 Alert Fails to Show in VW 2019 When Converting Hybrid Symbol to 3D VB-157624 VW Hangs when Updating Section Viewport within Test file (Regression from SP0) VB-157634 If change the Text Scale"" from the "Advanced Viewport Properties" VB-157645 Switching to top plan view while Lumion Livesync is active will cause livesync to terminate VB-157652 Crash in GetObjectVisFlag(DrawingContext&, BlankType**, bool&) (in vectorworks) (VariableState.h:23) VB-157653 *Update all viewports causes crash VB-157660 Railing and fence, turning on Top Rail option will fail to load the fence completely VB-157672 In OIP, clicking on the right side of the handle of the coordinate reference point may not respond. VB-157673 Closing the "Assign Room Finishes" dialog with OK will crash VW. VB-157697 VW2019 closes unexpectedly after using Export MVR VB-157711 Fillet tool changes plane mode of object VB-157718 Typos in dialog presented after closing the Space - Edit Number Style dialog without saving. VB-157728 Roof Fails to Clip Walls in VW 2019 VB-157743 crash in background thread tesselation of extrude VB-157744 Translation error in OIP VB-157746 Objects Fail to Show When Entering Symbol's 3D Component VB-157747 If entering a numerical value with Move" command and execute it VB-157748 The size of the symbol placed in the sheet layer is changed and it displayed on the drawing sheet. VB-157749 add tag to symbol while in section causes crash VB-157751 Symbols not visible with Best Performance VB-157762 Space's "Net Top Offset" Value Fails to Revert After Undoing Fitting Operation VB-157775 Moving objects while zooming in/out makes dimension text disappear. VB-157781 Space Objects Dim Fail VB-157783 MVR does not export Vision capture info VB-157792 ODBC or IFC causing a crash when select a record from the OIP VB-157793 Project Sharing - Changes to Space Label Settings Fail to Get Committed VB-157799 Clip surface fails in 3D views when clipping hadscapes VB-157813 Roof Components Missing VB-157817 2D objects with Class attributes render white in OpenGL viewport VB-157823 Question about 3D connexion's 3D mouse (SpaceMouse Compact). VB-157825 Attached Fils crashes Vectorworks when using Purge command VB-157829 Menu commands are disabled after you invoke Set Hanging point command VB-157832 Roof object issues with undo VB-157842 Roof thickness goes wrong! VB-157856 Auto-Bounded Spaces Show Area Incorrectly in OIP in Recent Builds VB-157869 Using the Split Tool on Symmetrical Ovals Causes a Crash VB-157872 Spaces Disappear in 3D Views When Clips are Removed VB-157879 Page Setup No Longer Displays the Correct Printable Area VB-157886 Railing/Fence Tool Fails to Use Tool Prefs When Style Settings are Overridden VB-157889 Distance in floating data bar is always on 0 when moving object inside a Clip Cube VB-157899 Space OIP Shows Unused Leader Line Settings in SP3 VB-157905 Translation error in dimension OIP VB-157906 Translation error in Render drop-down menu VB-157908 Space's Custom Gross Boundary Settings Fail to Revert Following Undo VB-157910 Space's "Edit Custom Gross Boundary" Dialog Fails to Highlight Walls in 2019 VB-157911 Space's "Edit Custom Gross Boundary" Dialog Doesn't Allow Reset in SP3 VB-157915 Problems Downloading Some Libraries. VB-157945 Section Viewport with Renderworks: creates extra lines / objects VB-157946 Project sharing. Choosing saved view forces the user too check out all roofs in file VB-157947 Reshape Tool destroys dimension VB-157950 Section Viewports Fail to Show Component Overrides in SP3 VB-157964 *When Select "Update BIMObject Red Symbol definitions" on the Update BIMObjects" dialog and press the "OK" button VB-157966 In Horizontal Section Viewport, objects of the Invisible class are displayed. VB-157987 Title Block Border producing undo alerts when editing preference records VB-158002 Wall Texture Problem 4 - Open GL Real World Scale Incorrect - compared to Hidden Line & Renderworks VB-158007 Hardscape: Main Slab Style Replace-does not show default Hardscape Content VB-158015 Stair Stringer has a Strange "V" Cut in it in Certain Configurations VB-158022 When executed the Roof Face" command menu VB-158053 Texture mapping is wrong in OpenGL, Renderworks, and Hidden line. VB-158063 Drag and drop resource does not work in the List view VB-158064 When Roof style creation is undone, undoing the wall style creation causes wall geometry to disappear VB-158070 Changing slab styles in the OIP does update the style drop downs VB-158071 Creating styles multiple times with undo causes objects to disappear VB-158082 Vectorworks crashes when exporting Room Finishes from Space plug-in VB-158090 Roofs Fail to Show Surface Hatches in SP3 VB-158095 Page Based Symbol does not show in Top Plan on first insertion VB-158108 If press the Shortcut Keys" VB-158113 SP3 additional Space Object bug- Space label VB-158116 3D Layout Label Legend missing when Layout symbol is 2D VB-158126 ODBC/ VW crashes while updating the document from database VB-158144 In Export PDF, Image Effects are not reflected in the Bitmap object. VB-158150 Roof: Eave Cut, wrong representation VB-158152 Project Sharing - Checkout Alert Dialog Fails to Show for Objects Inside Groups VB-158154 Project Sharing - Checkout Alert Dialog Fails to Show for Objects Inside Tiles and Line Types VB-158172 Spaces Lose Auto-Bounding After Editing Modifiers VB-158174 Space Modifiers Shift Randomly When Space is Rotated/Mirrored VB-158182 Rendering of slab fails in Renderworks rendering SP3 beta - regression VB-158184 VW Session Pref - Undo view changes: Grouping similar view changes is not working VB-158200 Import Revit (Batch) will crash VB-158227 Bug in Join Roof Face - Wall VB-158237 Space OIP Initially Fails to Show Settings VB-158255 *Crash when editing worksheet cell, part II. SP3 VB-158260 Structural Member not working with stories VB-158262 MVR export has incorrect Z heights, and rotations is incorrect on some truss objects VB-158279 Export to DWG freeze VB-158294 When using the plug-in style and drawing with the "Picked Walls Mode", a Space is created at a position away from the wall. VB-158298 Export PDF is not executed.(Windows only) VB-158311 Attached File is corrupt - could it be repaired? VB-158361 VW crash on multiple selection with Move 3D VB-158394 Snap Points Can't be Acquired in OpenGL When Clip Cube is Enabled VB-158397 Symbols Remain Visible in SP3 After Changing Active Layer VB-158420 *Crash when trying to edit Image Effects VB-158464 Callout Notes won't appear in Keynote Legend Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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