Bart Rammeloo Posted August 29, 2019 Share Posted August 29, 2019 Design Express heeft Service Pack (SP4.1) voor Vectorworks® 2019 beschikbaar gesteld. Deze Service Pack omvat samen met Service Pack 4 (inbegrepen in SP 4.1) diverse correcties, verbeteringen en vernieuwingen. Nieuwe features Omlijsting voor ramen Laat je architecturale expressie de vrije loop. Speel met de dikte en breedte van iedere opdek en elk dagstuk. De binnen- en buitenzijde van je kozijn moeten niet eens hetzelfde zijn.Ontdek meer. Opvallende verbeteringen Indrukwekkend hogere snelheid bij het gebruiken van ramen (tot 8 maal sneller in onze tests) Verscheidene correcties voor bijgesneden bitmaps. Meer stabiliteit bij Zichtvensters, Doorsnedevensters, selectie van Muren, Daken, Extrudeer langs pad, Teamwerk en meer. Verbeterde prestatie bij DWG-import, IFC-export en PDF-export. Deze Service Pack is beschikbaar voor alle licenties van Vectorworks 2019 als een downloadbare updater. Om de Service Pack te installeren selecteert u het commando "Zoek naar updates" in het Vectorworks-menu (Mac) of het Help-menu (Windows.) De volledige lijst van verbeteringen vind je hieronder. Vragen? Contacteer dan ons support-team. Alle verbeteringen in Vectorworks 2019 Service Pack 4 en 4.1 4715 Strange 2D representation of a window in Hobbiton style. 4814 Random changes to graphical attributes when dimensions are changed in the Info Pallet 4817 Changing dimensions in the Info Pallet turns glass black 4819 Corner window in a pointed gable wall creates weird shapes, and the column in the corner stays 4787 Error when changing the thickness of the frame (linking vertical frames with the wall - type 4) 4847 Frame 1 isn't attached to corner profiles when using it in inner corners 4836 Error in rebate of window frames 0000 Massive improvement of window calculation and response speed VB-81370 No Dutch Hip on certain roofs VB-92786 Section VP will not display planar hatches VB-93670 Object hilight, object handles, data bar flashing VB-97062 Smart Cursor Settings Dialog's "Distance" Settings Get Reset to "0" When Dialog is Cancelled VB-98150 Vectorworks crashes on deletion of a Design Layer within the test file VB-98798 Horizontal SVPs do not update when section lines are moved. VB-100680 The bounds shown for a Surface Array object during 3D flyover using Control + left click are too big. VB-101574 Heliodon preview will not sync between different layer scales VB-102368 Hybrid Symbol, "Hob Gas 595x530" becomes corrupt, when exporting back to Vectorworks 12 VB-102490 VS hRotate() causes symbol to change 3D planes VB-103840 Zooming on Tiled Auto-Hybrid Object Appears Choppy within Test File VB-104929 Snapping does not work in OpenGL for Rotate Tool - Alignment Rotation mode VB-105436 Auto-Hybrid - Fails to export in IFC when inside a symbol VB-106878 Undo Crash With Cropped Layer Link VB-107819 CropImg: If you edit a crop in a 3D view, the feedback is not correct VB-108019 Simple Line Styles (dashed) "fuse together" and appear solid on screen. VB-108072 CropImg: Double-click on Cropped Bitmap fails to enter Edit Crop mode. VB-108092 CropImg: SHow others does not work in Edit Crop Mode. VB-108099 Planar Object Desapears While Zooming when Used as a Crop VB-108155 CropImg: Cropped Bitmap does not draw on gray layer. VB-108173 CropImg: If you delete the crop inside Edit Bitmap Crop mode, the screen does not get refreshed fully. VB-108262 CropImg: Push Pull works on Cropped Bitmaps. It should not. VB-108303 The HighLight Selection Box is inconsistent with some of the Shell Object. VB-108400 Too Much Preselection Highlighting Present in OpenGL with Objects Grayed Out VB-108429 Rectangular Marquee Selection Causes VW To Crash Within Test File VB-109018 set planar object screen plane fails (ovPlanarObjIsSrceen) VB-110497 Crash while using Pan tool in OpenGL mode. VB-110510 Reshape tool - Moving a Groupnode with 3D objects using Marquee does not draw the 3D objects in the new location. VB-110724 Walkthrough Tool: Pressing modifier to look around keeps walking if it is pressed while walking. VB-112587 Zoom Percentage Fails to Update in Un-Cropped Perspective Views VB-112921 Refresh Problems With The Grid VB-113967 Decimal Precision Sometimes Changes on Mirrored Polygons (Mac Only) VB-115028 Invoke Zoom in VP Annotations Crashes VB-115513 Section planar graphics change fill color when 2014 file is opened in 2015 VB-116085 Rotated top view is not displaying in Standard view pull down menu. VB-116196 3-D Hatches in hidden line viewports should not be selectable VB-116429 Hatch lines missing on roof face VB-116811 Zoom tool single click mode not working on Windows VB-117272 Hidden Line Rendering Shows Extra diagonal Lines rendered withn 3D Model VB-117309 Selection Indication Flashes. VB-117553 OnDeleteDelete association does not work VB-117610 Movie export re-renders main screen for every exported frame, resulting in very slow export process VB-117653 Top/Plan Graphics and Plan Orientation Fail in Complex Test File VB-117858 Unable to open an exported Solar Animation movie. (Heliodon) VB-118244 Editing inside group is redrawing the screen 100 times VB-118892 Significant Drop in Pre-Selection Frames per Second VB-119485 Door geometry fails to export properly to IFC VB-119650 'Simple Beam Analysis" test file crashed on open once on my mac10.7.5 VB-120151 IFC: Incorrect export of window sill geometry VB-121615 Tiny Geometry Appears While Zooming in Viewport Crop (Regression--Mac Only) VB-121853 VW Crashes When Selecting Round Walls VB-123819 Objects within clip cube Shift after Creating Section Viewport and Returning to Design layer VB-125588 Export 3D PDF error VB-125599 A filleted extrude has holes on the corners when exported to a 3D pdf VB-126350 Export 3D PDF is missing from the Export Menu VB-126706 Subdivision: Asymmetric Scaling does not work correctly. VB-126970 Application crashes if you attempt to add a new working plane without an open document VB-127422 Ungrouping Section Lines Gives Different Results Based on their Direction VB-129095 Vectorworks Very Slow When Creating a Sheet Layer Section Viewport Rendered in Hidden Line (with 'Display Planar Objects' enabled) VB-130266 Point Cloud Plug in Causing VW2016 to Crash on Load VB-131940 VW Crashes after Changing Roof Edge Shape and Performing Undo operation VB-134287 Cropped Viewports are difficult to select VB-135942 File Corruption after "saving as" with this File VB-136296 SpaceNavigator- View Reverts to Top/Plan Using Object Mode Navigation VB-137241 Nav Graphics = Best, Black & White Only pref fails on referenced viewport VB-137646 add vertex to extrude along path causes crash VB-137871 Convert Planting Area changes all hatches are changed to solids VB-138081 Corrupt Grade Objects VB-138870 Existing Tree german customization not working VB-138950 Open Recent Bug in Workspaces VB-139104 The file name is not displayed completely in "Open Recent" command menu. VB-139536 Exported PDFs Considerably Larger in 2017 SP2 vs 2016 VB-139691 Wall inserted objects; attached record not visible VB-139701 Class Visibility Issues with Wall Style Components VB-139746 Worksheet function GETSPACENUMFOROBJ and GETSPACENAMEFOROBJ very slow VB-139931 In Create Interior Elevation Viewport, script error occurs due to the 5c character. VB-139998 Immediate crash on Windows 7 - Klick with middle mouse button VB-139999 Elevation of objects in walls not correct VB-140009 IFC Export: Auto-Hybrid objects are moved to the origin VB-140019 Symbol Preview for Active Symbol Does Now Work. VB-140036 IFC import - solid subtraction breaks after editing VB-140165 Export DWG missing objects - VW2017 SP2/SP3 VB-140177 DWG Import crashes VW VB-140194 There is no bottom face of the first step of created circular stairs VB-140228 Landscape Area - Inconsistencies with OIP 'area' value and plant 'count' vs plants displayed VB-140239 Export of Symbols with "Wall Hole Components" to IFC / No.1 VB-140256 Ifc COBie Export; IfcFurnishingElementType COBie ToolKit Error VB-140356 Save and commit with release crashes VB-140380 DWG Import Fails to import 3D objects in 2D/3D Only VB-140390 Replace Symbols Doesn't Replace Record Formats in 2017 VB-140430 Dragging A Marionette Node Into The Drawing Area Crashes Vectorworks(Mac Only). VB-140442 About Export Web view, Objects that set the texture displayed black when outputting locally or exporting in preview. VB-140445 DWG Import Crash VB-140461 Multiple Space Labels Break After SP3 Update VB-140466 Characters that behind a particular code character in SJIS display incorrectly after copying and pasting. VB-140468 IFC Model displays with bizarre extrudes when referenced VB-140495 Unprompted Extrusion of IFC-based 2D/3D objects VB-140497 Performance (navigation) problem of DLSVP because of in wall rotation option of hatches VB-140499 VGM "Best performance" run out of memory when DLSVP are visible VB-140515 IMport DWG into Working file crashes VW VB-140520 ExtVSFuncPlantRoutines.cpp: Hardcoded strings have Mac encoding, but should be Unicode VB-140549 Using REPLACE in the OIP doesn't replace truss record info VB-140567 Lighting Instrument moving - Bug ? VB-140600 Data loss when converting localized pre-2017 German plants VB-140610 Export Database doesn't work if Record Format is in a folder VB-140613 Enable Cut Plane shows curtain wall wrong VB-140614 Crash may occur when replacing wall styles reiteratively. VB-140618 Caching Issue in both Design Layer and Viewports VB-140628 Dimensions don't display correct values of German doors and windows VB-140657 Curtain Wall looks wrong as soon as layer cut plane is turned on VB-140709 activate more than one in a wall inserted PIOs do not allow to edit attached record format VB-140734 Crashing roof VB-140788 Localization bug of Fixture mode in german version VB-140873 Landscape Area localization issue with german Umlaute in Plantdatabase VB-140889 Crash when importing a DWG file VB-140905 Interactive display/cursor is broken for dragging a screen plane object in 3D view VB-140946 When showing the resource browser from the OIP, selecting view options dismisses the browser window VB-140956 Cable Tools Labels Not Aligned with Polyline VB-140964 VW crash caused by LineType while Zooming VB-140982 Rotate a group with a dimension leads to a broken dimension VB-140985 Crash while zooming VB-141003 DOM: Project Sharing lck File keep blocking vwxp VB-141019 The attached DWG file crashes VW immediately upon trying to import it. VB-141026 Not possible to duplicate a wall style VB-141028 Ceiling Grid tool has no default IFC tag and does not export VB-141054 Export EPS created too thin lines. VB-141120 corrupt file displays layers at wrong levels VB-141134 crash in ModernTools.Cursor VB-141181 Vectorworks crash after calling gSDK->ConvertObjectToPolygons VB-141196 Export IFC: Symbols with mirrored content get mixed up in IFC VB-141198 Export IFC: Mirrored symbols gets mixed up in IFC VB-141225 Walls don't export to IFC when on roof layer VB-141276 About SG: The license may not be released and the correct number of clients may not be started. VB-141315 Vectorworks crashes if you click Cancel button in the Detail Callout Graphic Options dialog VB-141335 Can't import this ifc-file VB-141349 DWG Export - Problem with linestyles in SLVP VB-141456 Workgroup reference cache 12 GB data size VB-141517 Slabs change shape when association with walls is lost VB-141586 VWX files getting alot bigger with SP3. VB-141935 Changing layers of many objects at the same time causes Vectorworks to crash. VB-142059 Export PDF Causes Bloated Files When Exporting Grayed DLVPs with "Black and White Only" Enabled VB-142105 VW crashes when trying to import 1 DWG file using the import one or more files command. VB-142177 Project Sharing: SDK changes to FormatNodes are not committed VB-142973 IFC: IFC_SetIFCScheme() appears not to work properly VB-142980 FS: Export IFC leads to immediate crash VB-145698 Libraries that contain umlauts cannot be downloaded and unziped correctly VB-145910 Performance problem of data visualization VB-145962 Project Sharing: Door CW Style information are not committed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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